Sunday, August 26, 2012

How to argue like a Hinduist - 10 Steps to success:

How to argue like a Hinduist - 10 Steps to success: 

1. Talk about the achievements of the past, make some up and exaggerate all of them, but never mention the oppressions of which there are evidences galore. Thereby declare that the ancient India had a 'golden past' which we need to bring back.
2. When pointed out the oppressions of the brahminist order, i.e caste oppression, say that you do not endorse them, but still maintain that India under brahminism had a glorious history.
3. Say as many times that people could shift from one caste to another in the past. Phrase it like in the past caste was merely a name for professions, and ignore all the evidences that point towards casteist oppression which started way, way back, long before the muslims set foot on India.

4. Pretend that conversion to hinduism is a myth. Act like all the amalgamations of other groups, religions and sects into hinduism resulted in the happiness of all parties involved and the process never involved oppression or force.
5. Pick out the handful of known dissenters of the brahminical order and call them evidences of democratic values under brahminism. Ignore the glaring absence of any documents and institutions by them and refuse to accept it as indication of suppression by force.
6. Call the ancient gurukulas havens of education. Say that the culture of Indian education was argumentative but ignore the fact that as far as philosophy is concerned only vedic texts were taught at those schools, even if other philosophies were mentioned it was solely to deride them.
7. Call the ruthless authoritarian methods of breaking the spirit of the student 'character building' and take out the parts which do not fit today's values in order to make them look better.
8. Find science in Vedas. Use the comments and speeches of successful brahminist scientists, appeal to as many authorities as you can to prove that the Vedas are scientific, as vague and far-fetched the connections may be. After having argued that the vedas are scientific, say that the wisdom of the ancient acharyas could compete today's scientists who have all the best equipments. So, follow the Vedas!
9. Deny the patriarchy and casteism in manusmriti by bringing up some names of women who supposedly held high status under brahminism. Mention Gargi but avoid the information that she was threatened into silence by a male brahmin pundit.
10. Say 'have you read the originals?' when you feel you're in trouble. It is impossible for anyone who hasn't devoted all their time into smashing hinduism or kissing its backside to read a lot of ancient texts, people have other more useful things to do! If they mention one quote which goes clearly against your lies of hinduism being benevolent, ask them 'have you read the whole book?'

Follow them and you'll be an amazing Hinduist, we guarantee!